What Makes Us Different? Our Packets and Prices
Our high quality packets and products is what sets us apart. We offer a wide range of flavors. Whether you are looking for basic flavors or ultra-premium blends, we have you covered. We have high VG lines for drippers, the best tobacco, basic and exotic fruit eliquids. If you are looking for a flavor, we have it. We offer speedy delivery which allows you to shop from the comfort of your home. Yes, we offer it all!
Flavor or Bottle?
Pay for the flavor, not the bottle! Did you know that a large portion of the price you pay for eliquds goes to paying for the bottle? We removed bottles from the equation in order to pass the saving onto you. You can now get the best eliquid around while paying the lowest prices around.
Our Quality
100% of the ingredients used in our E Liquids are sourced from American companies and fall under strict guidelines of organizations like United States Pharmacopeia (USP), Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and Everything Added to Food in the United States (EAFUS).